After what started to be a very cold and wet season, I wasn’t sure we would make it all the way to week 16. Luckily the weather turned around, and has managed to hold all the way through to what has been a very nice start to the fall. Again, we want to thank everyone for your support in this first year and hope you enjoyed it enough to stay on for the future. This last weeks’ box is full of items that can last beyond this week and would go perfectly into some heartier meals that go with the colder weather that is coming. The assortment of winter squash will happily sit on your counter for months. Onions and beets will also last in your fridge or cold storage for some time as well. Leeks will make a wonderful addition to soups and stews but are also very nice braised as a side. Kale, at this time of year is delicious and sweet. For something a little different, there will be broccoli stems. Most people have probably only ever eaten the florets of a broccoli plant but the leaves and stems are also great. They make excellent soups.
The farm is slowly getting ready for the winter now with the exception of a few patches of vegetables that will overwinter for next spring. Over the next few weeks we will be getting the last few patches tilled up and seeded with a cover crop. I will keep updating the blog throughout the fall, winter and into next season with any activity at the farm and maybe even a few recipes with the vegetables I have preserved and stored from this year’s harvest.
In your last harvest box you will find:
Broccoli stems
Long Italian and Jalapeno peppers
Winter Squash
Red Onions