It looks like the extended summer we were hoping for might actually happen. This is good news for the still ripening winter squash and some of the pepper varieties still changing from green to yellow or brown. It also seems to be great for the cucumbers which have come on like crazy in the last week. Here is what you will find in your box this week followed by some idea for what to do with cucumbers suggestions:
Peppers (with a few jalapenos)
Cucumbers, a mix of varieties including lemon cucs, the small yellow one
Summer squash
Butterhead Lettuce
Either: Broccoli shoots (eat the leaves too) or Beans and Kale, we will do our best to switch this up next week, if you got one this week you should get the other next week
What to do with cucumbers? Our cucumbers have been tasting so great on their own I find the most common way I eat them is whole, as a mid harvest day snack. A quick Google search will bring up endless recipes but I would recommend going to and typing "cucumber" into their recipe search for a great list of recipes, mostly some great looking cocktails.
Make an interesting salad by using a vegetable peeler (or mandolin) to slice cucumbers length wise and then toss with mint (or other fresh herbs such as dill or parsely) lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper. A little sliced or chopped jalapeno is also great.
Cucumber fridge pickles are quick and delicious without the work of water bath canning. Cucumbers are not just a low calorie, high water vegetable either. They are a great source of dietary fiber (skins on for that) and are a good source of vitamin-K, vitamin-C and vitamin-A and few other of those good for you anti-oxidant type things. So enjoy your bumper crop week of cucumbers in tzatziki, salads, cocktails, gazpacho or just on their own :)